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Investors in Veterans symbol identity guidelines for Organisations 


The Investors in Veterans initial symbol has been designed to support you in advertising and promoting your organisations support for veterans to others and outlines that you are committed to supporting those who have served your country. The Investors in Veterans symbol has three levels Level 1 Committed which is achieved by paying for your membership subscription, it is also the first step on your Investors in Veterans journey working towards future levels of Level 2 Supportive Employer, Level 3 Leading Employer. 


These guidelines have been put together to introduce you to the Investors In Veterans symbol visual identity so that you can begin to use it in your own communications, you will be able to access the appropriate symbols from your subscribers pages. 


The Investors In Veterans symbol and identity is a means of communication. It is intended to inform the people you employ and or engage with that you support veterans and that you have made a clear and committed statement that you wish to work with Investors in Veterans to learn, support, utilise and grow with veterans and their communities, and any other disabled people who might be interested in your organisation, that you have a positive approach to employing and supporting veterans. 


The Investors In Veterans symbol identity is used by employers and organisations who are subscribers to Investors in Veterans. If you are a committed employer or organisation, or a designer creating products on behalf of a committed employer or organisation, these guidelines describe how the symbol should be used.


If you require further support in using the Investors in Veterans symbol identity, you can contact us by e-mailing or by writing to:


Investors In Veterans 

The Bristol Office, 

2nd Floor 5 High Street Westbury On Trym, 


United Kingdom, 



When and where to use the Investors In Veterans symbol identity 


If you are an employer who is interested in becoming accredited as a Level 2 Supporter or Level 3 Leader, please contact your local ExFor+ C.I.C. team to arrange a discussion or, alternatively, use the contact details above.


Note that the Investors In Veterans symbol identity may only be used in accordance with the stated design guidelines, and by companies which are authorised to utilise Investors In Veterans symbol by being fully paid/subscribed members.


On job advertisements 


When you notify a vacancy to Jobcentre Plus or a recruitment agency, remember to mention that you have signed up to Investors In Veterans. Ask them to ensure that the Investors In Veterans symbol identity appears on all vacancy displays and any newspaper advertisements they commission on your behalf.


The symbol should also be displayed on any vacancies you advertise on the internet.


In addition to displaying the Investors In Veterans symbol/identity on job advertisements, consider including a statement explaining your interview guarantee. For example, “As users of the Investors In Veterans symbol, we guarantee to interview all Service leavers and veteran applicants who meet the minimum criteria for the vacancy/ies”.


The minimum criteria does not have to be published in the advertisement but does have to be made available to applicants, either on request or included in recruitment literature. 


Misuse of the Investors In Veterans logo identity


The Investors In Veterans symbol identity should not be used in the context of providing or promoting your services or goods to customers. For example, you may not use it prominently on product brochures or other material supporting your product message or business. It may be appropriate to feature the symbol in the context of describing your organisation, perhaps alongside address and telephone details.


There may be occasions where you are unable to display the symbol. This might be because of technical restrictions (eg with teletext) or through lack of space. In these cases, please consider including a statement that your organisation is signed up to Investors In Veterans.


If you are in any doubt, please discuss particular instances with your local ExFor+ C.I.C. Investors In veterans specialist team. 


If we feel that the Investors in Veterans logo is used inappropriately and repetitional damage happens we reserve the right to request that you remove all symbols from any and all promotional materials that carry the Investors in Veterans symbol immediately and within a maximum 21 working day period. if you choose to cancel your subscription we ask that all logo and symbols are also removed within a 21 day period after the date of subscription/membership cancellation. if you fail to do so you accept that Investors in Veterans can seek to undertake legal action to recover costs, damages, expenses incurred, from the subscription holder or organisation if our symbol identity is continued to be utilised. We also reserve the right to protect our symbol identity at any point if we feel or have been notified of a breach/misuse of the Investors in Veterans symbol identity, it is always our first option to communicate with the named/notified organisation to us, to achieve a mutually agreeable and speedy resolution


Using the identity


The design of the Investors In Veterans symbol identity is representing your support for veterans and you should not alter it in any way. 


Both the words and the symbol should appear in the same colour at all times. 


  • For local authorities, Each LA is expected to purchase their own Investors in Veterans Memberships/Subscriptions


  • For NHS each separate foundation or trust is expected to purchase their own Investors in Veterans Memberships/Subscriptions 


  • For Police and each of the UK, Wales and Scotland constabularies it is expected that they purchase their own Investors in Veterans Memberships/Subscriptions


  • For every member of the PCC (Police Crime Commission) it is expected that they purchase their own investors in Veterans Membership/Subscription


  • For the Fire service each station it is expected that they purchase their own Investors in veterans Memberships/Subscriptions


  • For every Educational establishment it is expected that they purchase their own Investors In Veterans Membership/Subscription 


  • For Governemental departements it is expected that they purchase their own Investors in Veterans Memberships/Subscriptions


  • For Members of Parliament it is expected that they purchase their own Investors in Veterans Membership/Subscription


  • For every Peer of the House of Lords it is expected that they purchase their own investors in Veterans Membership/Subscription


  • For every business with its own unique Companies House business number it is expected that each separate business purchases their own Investors in Veterans Membership/Subscription


  • For every C.I.C. , CIO, Charity, Foundation or trust it is required that each purchases their own Investors in Veterans Membership/Subscription  




The minimum size you can reproduce the symbol is determined by the overall height, which should not normally be less than 10mm. 


Exceptionally, in newspaper job advertisements only, the Investors In Veterans symbol identity may appear smaller than 10mm. This size should only be used when there is no other option other than to omit the symbol altogether, due to space or financial constraints.


Exclusion zone 


There should always be an area of clear space around the symbol, determined by the height and width of the round disc within the design. 


The minimum clearance from the symbol is (10mm when the symbol is scaled to 100mm) we understand that with resizing that it may not be able to maintain 10mm but we ask for the mark to be clear and distinctive from others that your organisation holds. 


What not to do 


The Investors In Veterans symbol identity and positioning of level accredited “Level 1 Committed, Level 2 Supporter or Level 3 Leader” represent an integrated logo and you must not separate them. You must never redraw, re-position or alter the symbol in any way. You should never reword the positioning statement or typeset it in any other form. 


  • DO use the logo as it is provided 


  • DON’T change the logo colours 

  • DON’T stretch or squash the logo 

  • DON’T rebuild the logo 

  • DON’T use different fonts 


Language variations 


The symbol is available in English


Where a document is circulated in England or Scotland only, the English version should be used.


In accordance with the Welsh Language Act 1993, when conducting business in Wales you may want to reproduce materials in welsh or bilingually, and use an appropriate version of the Investors In Veterans logo identity on literature. please do make contact with the appropriate translation of "Investors in Veterans" and we will happily re-adjust the symbol for you, please do not hesitate to contact us on:


Artwork formats 


The Investors In Veterans symbol identity is available in a variety of computer graphics formats, dependent on the publication media 

Alternatively, specific file formats can be e-mailed or posted to you on request from  

When using our symbol on your website please link it to ours:

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  • Twitter - White Circle

Investors In Veterans © 2017


Designed and created by  CEO/Founder of ExFor+ C.I.C

ExFor+ C.I.C Registered within England and Wales with Community Interest Company Number: 09647390


Investors In Veterans LTD registered within England and Wales with Company Number: 10158741


Registered offices:

The Bristol Office, 2nd Floor 5 High Street Westbury On Trym, Bristol, United Kingdom, BS9 3BY




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